
TKM Partners and You

Key Mortgage Experts

TKM Partners will be starting a jointly owned mortgage broker between TKM Partners and you. It will be named by you; you will be the majority owner and will be operated out of your office with TKM managing the day-to-day operations of the company from our office. Loan officers will be selected by you, specially trained to become “The Best Loan Officer Ever” and work directly with the realtors associated with your brokerage. TKM Partners will manage the day-to-day operations, sales management, compliance, bookkeeping and employee management. You are responsible for driving business to your mortgage company.

Consumer Benefits

The consumer will have an enhanced experience at your company. They already trust you with your primary business. Mortgage is a logical step and in most cases a prospect will go with a referral over random advertising. People like the idea of one-stop-shopping. It is a convenience to be able to get both services from the same company.

Partner Benefits

There are many ancillary benefits to adding mortgage operations to your services. With the added income you can change the cost structure within your primary business to grow it faster. Due to the enhanced consumer experience it will help youto recruit and retain your top talent. You will gain control of the mortgage transactions instead of leaving it to strangers. When interest rates go down, everyone will refinance. When they do the customer will come back in your office which reminds them of who they do business with, they will send more referrals and you will get paid all over again on every client that walked through your door the first time.

Your Mortgage Company Can Be Up And Running Within 30 days

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Competitive Analysis

Local Market Conditions: Real estate continues to be strong. Single digit increases in real estate value will continue for the foreseeable future. With it loan amounts will continue to rise and increase the revenue to mortgage companies.

Business Competitive Advantage: Since your primary business continually refers mortgage business to loan officers then you have the advantage. Instead of referring that business to random loan officers for no compensation, they can be referred to your mortgage company. Since we are in an increasing interest rate environment, loan officers are looking for a company that can feed them leads.

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Low Overhead

Keep costs to a minimum: Operating out of your office is the cornerstone of keeping costs down and gaining more referrals from your primary business. Utilizing sound business tactics and tie expenses to production will be the platform for success. We outsource as many services as possible to minimize staff requirements.

Take Ownership In Your Mortgage Referrals

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